So something amazing happened! I got into the Calgary Stampede!! :-D
For me this means having my paintings selected to be showcased in the same venue as some incredible local and international artists!

The Stampede Western Showcase (at the BMO centre @ Stampede Grounds), introduced a new gallery this year for smaller and more affordable paintings priced CAD $350/- and less, called the Miniature Masterpieces Gallery.
The application for this competition was in January and once chosen you can submit upto 12 paintings. Only 3 paintings from each artist hangs on this wall at any time. Well at the beginning anyways ;-) There's two of mine in the picture below, can you spot them? :-)

Other than my own work, which is phenomenal ;-) (hehe), there are several other incredible artists to see. At opening night I saw the works of an artist who does stunning wildlife paintings with coffee and another whose mosaics look like acrylic paintings! Wow!
The Calgary Stampede officially began on Friday, 6th of July and will be going on everyday till the 15th of July. My little babies (the paintings!) will be hanging in the Miniature Masterpiece Gallery throughout, but if you'd like to see me there too- drop by either on the 11th (Thursday) or 15th (Sunday). I will be doing live finger painting demos! Promise it will be exciting! :-D